    The aims and objects of the Institute for Helping the Disabled, Bhubaneswar, are detailed below :

  • To take up surveys of the disabled to find out the magnitude of the problem that confront the society and suggest solutions to the problems.

  • To work for the mainstreaming of the disabled and in getting equal share with the non-handicapped persons in the matter of education, training and economic rehabilitation.

  • To help the parents of the disabled and guide them to solve their problems through medical intervention, education and training of their handicapped children.

  • To established an assessment centre for the handicapped so as to assess the problems of the disabled, give them primary treatment and therapy, guide them for better treatment/therapy elsewhere available in the country and follow them up till they are rehabilitated.

  • To collect information about the rehabilitation programmes for the handicapped from different parts of the country and the countries abroad and disseminate such information to the handicapped persons or their parents so that the facilities available for rehabilitation of the handicapped can be availed of for their benefit.

  • To act as a Resource Institute to the Government as well as to the voluntary organisations in the field of rehabilitation of the handicapped.

  • To establish an information Centre and Library for research work for the purpose of dissemination of knowledge to the educators and carry on research work in the field of handicapped welfare.

  • To take up production of literature for prevention of different categories of handicapped and to create public awareness to save the children from acquiring disabling conditions.

  • To take up publication of books, journals and brochures for the welfare of the handicapped.

  • To take up research work in the field of education, training and economic rehabilitation of the handicap by itself or in cooperation with national, regional or local agencies.

  • To conduct seminars, symposia and exhibitions on the activities of the disabled, and to create public awareness about the abilities of the handicap.

  • To take up any kind of activity for the benefit of the handicapped, specially for Scheduled Castes and Schedule Tribes and other weaker sections in the country.

  • To explore employment opportunities in Govt., undertakings and private sector and take up activities for economic rehabilitation of the handicapped.

  • To establish a sheltered workshop for the handicapped comprising different categories of handicapped, who may be given opportunities to earn their livelihood through work. The inmates, if opportunities are available, may be economically rehabilitated in open employment.

  • To support and sponsor handicap persons who need najor treatment that may help them in rehabilitation in life.

  • To Institute, offer, grant prizes awards, scholarships and stipends in furtherance of the objectives of the society.

  • To give financial assistance to the special students for prosecution of their studies.

  • To establish manufacturing concern of the Aids and Appliances for the handicapped.

  • To do such other things as may ne necessary or incidental to the realization of the objectives of the society.

  • The Institute is a Voluntary Non-Profit Making Organosation and all its resources are intended for the development and rehabilitation of the handicapped persons to enable them to participate as full members of the society. For vigorously and effectively executing its objectives, all sponsored programmes for furthering the welfare of the handicapped are welcome.